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HV Desai Brings Sight to School-Aged Children

Nineteen million children around the world have impaired vision. Vision care can be difficult to access in developing countries, leaving many children struggling with blurry vision. In addition to academic setbacks, children with untreated visual impairment can face greater challenges in emotional and social development. In Pune, India, HV Desai Eye Hospital is working to ensure school-aged children have access to vision screening and treatment.

After a lack of funds forced the closure of a government-sponsored eye health program, Seva partnered with HV Desai to support eye care screening for children in local schools. These screenings identify issues including blurry vision, near- or far-sightedness, congenital glaucoma, and eye strain. Students then receive spectacles, prescriptions, and referrals to HV Desai’s main hospital as needed.

“We all know that providing glasses or providing refractive error correction goes a long way in a child’s emotional as well as physical development, and educational development. Which, in turn, will bring a good individual who will be economically productive for the nation.”
– Dr. Kuldeep, Medical Director, HV Desai Eye Hospital

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