About Seva: What is Seva?


Seva Foundation started as a small group with a big idea, and the idea was this:

To be fully human, we must translate our compassion and concern into useful service.

Compassion in Action

Compassion is not just about helping those less fortunate than ourselves, it's about the realization that we are all connected as one human family.

That sense of compassionate service motivates all of Seva's work, as we build sight-saving programs that support people around the world in their efforts to build healthy communities.

Seva's blindness-prevention programs, spanning many cultures and countries, share certain fundamental principles:

Serving the Underserved

Our eye care programs serve people who have been economically, politically, or otherwise marginalized. We work to gain an understanding of their various cultures and circumstances. Our aim is to build a bridge of compassion between our donors and the people we serve people around the world who have the fewest resources.

Promoting Sustainability

Seva's programs foster self-reliance and aim to reduce dependence on outside assistance. In the communities where we work, we share skills and technology appropriate for local conditions, assist local decision-making, and help to support eye clinics and hospitals to become financially self-sufficient. This transfer of knowledge enables communities to care for their own, now and into the future.

Working Through Partnerships

We form long-term partnerships with those we serve. By developing close relationships with local eye care organizations and community leaders, we build trust, mutual respect and cultural understanding. We honor the ability of communities to define their own solutions to the challenges they face.

Seva Foundation

"Helping out is not some special skill. It is not the domain of rare individuals. It is not confined to a single part of our lives. We simply heed the call of that natural impulse within and follow it where it leads us."

Ram Dass
Co-Founder of Seva Foundation

Below: Dr Nicole Grasset (1927-2009), public health pioneer and Seva co-founder, when she was in Nepal. Learn more about Seva's history.

Photo of Nicole Grasset.

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Seva Foundation 1786 Fifth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 phone: 510-845-7382 fax: 510-809-3364
Seva Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. © 2024 Seva Foundation. All rights reserved.