Nancy Neiditz is leveraging a crowdfunding platform to raise $1,500 to celebrate her 60th birthday.
Nancy Neiditz has been giving Gifts of Sight since 2002. She learned about Seva through her interest in the works of Seva co-founder Ram Dass. Nancy is crowd-funding a gift for her 60th birthday this year and plans to raise $1,500, which would fund one day of an Outreach Eye Camp. "If by the end of my birthday we could have 30 people have vision," Nancy says, "that's a win."
Leslie Hoover-Lauble has been a Gifts of Sight donor since 2003 and is also a monthly Seva donor. Leslie's brother had child-onset diabetes-related sight issues, so the sense of sight became an important issue in her family. From Leslie's perspective, "The intangible gift of giving someone sight is so powerful."
Leslie Hoover-Lauble knows from personal experience how precious the gift of sight truly is.
Patricia Carrick finds way to help Gifts of Sight recipients find connection with those who benefit from the donations.
Patricia Carrick has been giving Gifts of Sight for more than 30 years. She picks gifts and cards for each person carefully, so that "they can imagine the person receiving eyesight is someone much like them." Patricia feels that "the business of correcting blindness is very potent — and it's so doable."
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