Seva News

“Seva has given so much help to so many thousands of people for so many years — such a wonderful example of love in action.”

Bonnie Raitt
Singer / Songwriter


"Seva has made an extraordinary contribution to the world — not only through their international programs, but here in some of the most impoverished communities in North America, on Native American reservations. Thank you Seva."

Jackson Browne
Singer / Songwriter


"Seva takes the impulse towards generosity and turns it into compassionate action that helps people in real need. I honor my friends and relations by giving to Seva in their name — the entire world benefits. I hope you'll join me."

Peter Coyote
Actor / Writer


"Compassion and caring for people in need - that's simply a moral necessity. But it's not always easy to do. Seva makes it easy. They know how to put your donations to work in ways that truly benefit people."

Joan Baez
Singer / Humanitarian Activist


"When we met the folks at Seva, we knew we were among kindred spirits, joining to bring people together in service to others. Whether preventing blindness in Nepal, assisting native peoples in Guatemala and Mexico, or helping our own Native Americans, Seva has been there to help alleviate suffering and improve people's lives. Long may they rock!"

Phil Lesh
The Grateful Dead


"Seva's efforts create hope and happiness worldwide for so many people in difficult conditions. I've always been amazed and cheered by their good works and I've been very happy to help them in their fundraising efforts."

Bruce Hornsby
Singer / Songwriter


“I admire Seva's spirit of innovation. Seva is constantly looking for new ideas that can benefit the world, especially the poor, and they aren't afraid to try something that no one has ever tried before."

Dr. Muhammad Yunus
Nobel Prize Winner / Seva Partner / Founding Chairman of Grameen Health Services


“I congratulate Seva Foundation for the magnificent work they continue to do."

Legendary Folk Singer


“Seva has done an incredible job all over the world helping people who really need it. I am proud to be one of the many who followed Wavy and his friends down this particular yellow brick road.”

David Crosby
Singer / Songwriter


“Such dedication to others — how could you not love Seva and what they accomplish? Well done!”

Graham Nash
Singer / Songwriter

Distribution, Nepal 2013

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A Generous Donation by MODO Provides Eyeglasses to Nepal and Guatemala


Each year, Seva is the beneficiary of numerous in-kind donations. From volunteers giving their time, to supplies and equipment, the poorest of the poor can be served with sight saving eye care thanks to this important support.

We are excited to share that recently, Seva received a large-scale donation of high quality eyeglass frames from the popular New York based eyeglass company MODO. To date, over 30,000 eyeglass frames have been donated by MODO, with even more in the pipeline for the near future.

These donated eyeglasses are a key to breaking the cycle of poverty.

Seva and MODO are collaborating to assist people in need in several countries. The largest partnership is with the Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh (NNJS) a Nepali organization whose mission is to provide high quality, sustainable, comprehensive and affordable eye care services to all of Nepal's population.

With a population of 31 million and a per capita income of $750, Nepal is among the poorest countries in the world. The nation currently ranks 157th out of 187 countries on the Human Development Index. With high rates of poverty, and a 43 percent illiteracy rate, a large number of Nepalese are unable to afford eyeglasses.

MODO's generous donation is helping Seva and NNJS to improve vision for people in need. Many thousands of these donated eyeglasses are sized for young children and teenagers. The youths who received these glasses will now be able to stay in school, dramatically increasing their ability to succeed and avoid a lifetime of poverty.

Professor Tirth Mishra, Secretary General of the NNJS, applauded this three-way partnership, saying, "On behalf of Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh, Nepal's Comprehensive Eye Care Society, I want to share our excitement about our new alliance with MODO and Seva which will enable NNJS and our partners to expand service to thousands of people in need of glasses throughout Nepal. Refractive error is the largest single cause of impaired vision in Nepal. MODO's generous support to NNJS will enable us to serve thousands of needy women, men and children who otherwise may not be able to access or afford eye care and the prescription glasses they so badly need."

MODO Global CEO Alessandro Lanaro explains that MODO is very proud of their partnership with Seva and NNJS, noting that "sustainability and social responsibility have become an important part of our DNA. We are excited to extend our social responsibility efforts."

The first 25,000 MODO frames traveled by sea freight to India and then overland to Nepal. In October, a distribution ceremony was organized and representatives from 23 eye clinics and hospitals came together at the Seva-supported Bharatpur Eye Hospital near the Indian border to receive allotments of frames.

In March of 2014, a second donation of 5,000 MODO frames arrived in Guatemala and will be distributed in partnership with Visualiza, a key Seva partner with programs in remote areas throughout the country. Many of these are pediatric frames that are being donated to children who can't afford eyeglasses through "Ventanitas de Luz" [Little Windows of Light], Visualiza's pediatric eye care program.

Corporate partners such as MODO have been integral to supporting Seva's sustainable programs over the years. On behalf of Seva and Seva-supported programs, we would like to thank all of our corporate donors for their continued support."


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